UN says Africans should claim financial reparations for the enslavement of over 30m people for 400 years.

UN says Africans should claim financial reparations for the enslavement of over 30m people for 400 years.

Although legal claims are complicated by the passage of time and the difficulties in identifying perpetrators and victims,the United Nations said on Tuesday that governments should consider financial reparations as one of the measures to pay for the enslavement of individuals of African origin.

A report by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, said no nation has adequately addressed the legacy left behind by the violent eviction of an estimated 25 to 30 million people from Africa over more than 400 years.

“Under international human rights law, compensation for any economically assessable damage, as appropriate and proportional to the gravity of the violation and the circumstances of each case, may also constitute a form of reparations,” the report stated.

Due to the length of time that has gone and the difficulties in identifying the offenders and victims of historical wrongs and injuries brought on by colonialism and slavery, estimating the economic loss can be quite challenging.

Despite this, the report emphasized that the inability to successfully pursue a claim for compensation “cannot be the basis for negating the existence of underlying legal obligations.”

Although the idea of making apologies for slavery and paying reparations has a long history, it has lately acquired popularity due to increased demands from African and Caribbean nations.

The EU hinted at the necessity for reparations for what it referred to as a “crime against humanity” in a statement made in July, saying that Europe’s history of slave trade caused “untold suffering” to millions of people.

The research came to the conclusion that states should take into account a “plurality of measures” to address the repercussions of slavery and colonialism, including pursuing redress and justice as well as promoting peace.
