London police prepare for massive anti-immigrant and anti-racism protests.

London police prepare for massive anti-immigrant and anti-racism protests.

Opposing anti-racism protestors and right-wing, anti-immigrant protesters are organizing sizable protests in London on Saturday, which will be closely monitored by a stepped-up police presence meant to prevent any conflicts between the opposing groups.

Under the alias Tommy Robinson, anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim activist Stephen Yaxley-Lennon is planning a “Unite the Kingdom” march that will begin at London’s Victoria train station and march in the direction of Parliament.

On the other side of Whitehall, the main road leading to Parliament from the other direction where many government ministries are situated, a counter-protest of trade unionists and anti-racism activists will take place.

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In charge of a policing operation that will entail bringing in officers from all over the nation, Deputy Assistant Commissioner Rachel Williams stated, “We are well prepared for what is set to be a busy day in the center of London.”

“We will have significant resources in place to respond to any incidents, to deal decisively with any offenses, and to keep disruption to other members of the public and businesses to a minimum,” she stated on Friday.

Following the murder of three young girls at a dance class in Southport at the end of July, misinformation on social media incorrectly labeled the suspected killer as a Muslim migrant, sparking days of riots in towns and cities throughout the nation.

Following a crackdown by the police that resulted in over 1,500 arrests and over 1,000 charges, the unrest, which had targeted mosques and hotels harboring asylum seekers, came to an end.

The right-wing demonstrators identify as “patriots” and claim that Islamization and immigration pose a threat to Britain.

The majority of parliamentarians are among their detractors, who claim that among them are racists, far-right sympathizers, and violent soccer hooligans.
